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Pricing Info

  1. Do the prices shown on your website include shipping charges?
  2. How will I know the cost of my order if I use an order form that doesn't show pricing?
  3. Can I get a price quote before ordering from you?
Do the prices shown on your website include shipping charges?

No. Shipping charges are calculated in the shopping cart. You will be presented with a final cost (including shipping and taxes) when you check out.

How will I know the cost of my order if I use an order form that doesn't show pricing?

We will contact you with pricing information, based on your specifications, before we begin work on your order.

Can I get a price quote before ordering from you?

Yes. There are two ways to do this. Many of our order forms and Reorder Forms Library items contain detailed pricing information and/or pricing calculators that update the price as you enter your specifications. When you submit the form, that pricing information will carry through to the shopping cart. If you have a custom order with special pricing requirements, we recommend you fill out our Custom Printing Quote form. We'll then review the details of your order and present you with a quote as quickly as we can.